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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

The Trumpet of the Swan (0064408671)

The delightful classic by E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, about overcoming obstacles and the joy of music. Like the rest of his family, Louis is a trumpeter swan. But unlike his four brothers and sisters, Louis can't trumpet joyfully. In fact, he can't even make a sound. And since he can't trumpet his love, the beautiful swan Serena pays absolutely no attention to him. Louis tries everything he can think of to win Serena's affection--he even goes to school to learn to read and write. But nothing seems to work. Then his father steals him a real brass trumpet. Is a musical instrument the key to winning Louis his love? We, and our children, are lucky to have this book. --John Updike The Trumpet of the Swan joins E. B. White favorites Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little as classic illustrated novels that continue to speak to today's readers. Whether you curl up with your young reader to share these books or hand them off for indepen...

Aufgabensammlung Mathematik (3507732432)

Die Neubearbeitung unserer bewährten Aufgabensammlung für die SI enthält nun auch Abschnitte zur Stochastik. Die neue Vierfarbigkeit unterstützt den Lernprozess, besonders bei grafischen Elementen. Die Lösungen im Anhang bieten die Möglichkeit zum eigenständigen Üben. Mit der Aufgabensammlung können alle relevanten Unterrichtsinhalte der Sek I geübt und wiederholt werden. Sie kann zur Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussklassen und für ein gesichertes Fundament für die gymnasiale Oberstufe eingesetzt werden. Empfohlen wird der Einsatz ab Klasse 7. Product details Format Paperback | 208 pages Dimensio...

Fully Human : A New Way of Using Your Mind (9781529059663)

A mother of small children trusts her 'gut feelings' and it saves her life. A young dad is able to grieve for his lost baby - using a song. What if there were parts of our minds which we never use, but if awakened, could make us so much happier, connected and alive? What if awakening those parts could bring peace to the conflicts and struggles we all go through? From the cutting edge, where therapy meets neuroscience, Steve Biddulph explores the new concept of 'supersense' - the feelings beneath our feelings - which can guide us to a more awake and free way of living every minute of our lives. And the Four-storey Mansion, a way of using your mind that can be taught to a five-year-old, but can also help the most damaged adult. In Fully Human, Steve Biddulph draws on deeply personal stories from his own life, as well of those of his clients, and from the frontiers of thinking about how the brain works with the body and the wisdom of the 'wild creature' inside...

Forex Trading For Maximum Profits Revealed Shocking Secret Trading Strategies And Little Dirty Secrets To Easy Instant Forex Millionaire : Forex Trading For Profits, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, Join The New Rich (9781523776641)

Ever felt like knocking your boss the eff out? Even if you're your own boss? I have. I remember the day I decided to punch my boss in the face. One of the best decisions I ever made by far. It was glorious. A "V" day of sorts. I just walked in his office, looked him straight in the eyes, and did a spinning back fist. Yeah, that's right ... a spinning back fist. Bruce Lee style, baby. I missed of course. And fell. But nevertheless ... my point had been made. I picked myself back up off the floor, slotted back to my cubic-hell, and resumed my daily torchores like a good little drone. And then I woke up. Literally. Like ... in a bed. I was just a stupid dream. "Man", I thought. "If I can't even punch my boss the right way in my dreams, how the heck am I ever gonna do it in real life?" So I decided to do what every sensible human being does in his mid-thirties ... give up on my dreams. Luckily for me I had two dreams. One was to punch my boss in ...

Funktionelle Elektrostimulation (9783642723643)

Die gesamte Elektrotherapie, hier vor allem die Niederfrequenz- und Mittelfrequenzthera- pie erleben zur Zeit eine Renaissance in mehrfacher Beziehung. Dies bedeutet einerseits eine Erweiterung ihres technischen Spektrums in verschiedener Hinsicht und andererseits eine Erweiterung oder Erschlie ung neuer Indikationsgebiete. Hierzu gehoren in erster Linie die Schmerztherapie, besonders mit Hilfe der soge- nannten transkutanen elektrischen Nervenstimulation und die Behandlung verschiedener Skoliosen und Kyphosen durch die Stimulation der Rumpfmuskulatur. Ein weiteres gro es Anwendungsgebiet der modemen Elektrotherapie liegt auf dem Gebiete der Mittelfrequenztherapie in Gestalt von konventionellen und stereodynamischen Interferenzstromen. Diese Form der Therapie hat sich bei der Behandlung zahlreicher Er- krankungen auf orthopadischem Fachgebiet, insbesondere bei der Detonisierung hyper- toner und kontrakter Muskulatur einschlie lich von Myogelosen sowie bei der Therapie entztindlicher un...

An Essay on Spirit; A Defense of the Essay on Spirit; The Genuine Sequel to the Essay on Spirit (1751) (9781164570295)

This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Wherein The Doctrine Of The Trinity Is Considered In The Light Of Nature And Reason. As Well As In The Light In Which It Was Held By The Ancient Hebrews Compared Also With The Doctrine Of The Old And New Testament, With An Inquiry Into The Sentiments Of The Primitive Fathers Of The Church, And The Doctrine Of The Trinity As Maintained By The Egyptians, Pythagoreans And Platonists, Together With Some Remarks On The Athanasian And Nicene Creeds Product details Format Paperback | 394 pages ...

Learn Electronics with Arduino : An Illustrated Beginner's Guide to Physical Computing (9781680453744)

This book is your introduction to to physical computing with the Arduino microcontroller platform. No prior experience is required, not even an understanding of basic electronics. With color illustrations, easy-to-follow explanations, and step-by-step instructions, the book takes the beginner from building simple circuits on a breadboard to setting up the Arduino IDE and downloading and writing sketches to run on the Arduino. Readers will be introduced to basic electronics theory and programming concepts, as well as to digital and analog inputs and outputs. Throughout the book, debugging practices are highlighted, so novices will know what to do if their circuits or their code doesn't work for the current project and those that they embark on later for themselves. After completing the projects in this book, readers will have a firm basis for building their own projects with the Arduino. Written for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of electronics or programming Filled wit...